Selasa, 8 Januari 2019

tumblr 2k19 ;part one

hehe i made this tumblr-ish kinda edit as my lock screen🤗

i bet this bakso is going to be YOUR favourite bakso too if you'd tasted it.
but oh boy, their business has stopped, kinda sad :(

using this feels great....maybe
i can see that my face is getting pinkish day by day
i mean, not THAT pink, just a tiny pinkish😛

i still remember this picture, there's a funny story behind this picture hehehe🤭
actually, i was home alone & my hungry ass
just remembered that there was leftovers
in the fridge that mama left behind for me👀

i captured this picture when i just got back from tuition class, mama got me this hehe😋

i thought this edit was cool,
but for real, this edit is just 𝙢𝙚𝙝

i also made this as my lock screen

hana❤️ 2k19 ;part one

i think this is the cutest pic of adik???😍


she was smiling & crying at the same time LMFAO🤣


pardon my ugly face hehe


sorry if this edit is too much hehehe
but wait idgaf👀

baby so cute😍💞💗💕

selfies & wefies 2k19 ;part two

my favourite selfies😭
i had been contemplating for such a long time
before deleting these selfies...

these are my favourite too!!!

last pictures but definitely not least.

Khamis, 3 Januari 2019

Selasa, 1 Januari 2019

selfies & wefies 2k19 ;part one

This post is officialy my first post in 2019.
Last year was a bit rough,
so let's just hope this year would be better

honestly? euw.
i know, even myself freaked out with these kinda selfies.
i look so ugly but oh well💁‍♀️

one freaking more cringey selfie...🤦‍♀️

it's been a long time since the last time i took mirror selfies,
um i been busy sis😋

with izzuddin!

this picture is the 1st time i used the new template using Unfold apps,
it costs RM7.99 something ish...💸